
2023-10-02 08:32发布

今天是2023年2月18日,早上起床后我打算 checking in on my credit card information to make sure there were no issues. To my surprise, I received a call from my bank saying that my credit card was逾期.

I was a bit surprised because I had been careful with my finances and always paid my balance on time. I asked the bank to explain the situation and they informed me that I had missed a payment and my card had been charged a late fee.

I was calm and asked for more details. The bank representative told me that the late fee was $30 and that I needed to call back and make a payment before 4:00 PM to avoid any further penalties.

I called back the bank and was connected to the credit card department. The representative told me that I needed to make a payment of $300 to avoid any further late fees and also to keep my account active.

I was a bit hesitant to make such a large payment, but after considering the consequences, I decided to make the payment. I went to my local bank branch and made the payment by cash.

I was a bit worried about the late fee, but I was also happy that I had caught it before it became a bigger issue. I asked the bank representative if I could avoid making the payment and they told me that it depends on the payment method and the date of the payment.

I was also informed that if I make the payment by the due date, I would not be charged any late fees.

In conclusion, I am happy that I was able to resolve this issue and keep my credit card active. I learned a valuable lesson about the importance of monitoring my finances and making payments on time.

I hope this experience does not affect my credit score and I will be able to continue to use my credit card in the future without any issues.


今天收到一个短信说我严重逾期-今天收到一个短信说我严重逾期是真的吗 最近,我收到了一条短信,短信内容显示我严重逾期。这条短信让我感到非常的惊讶,因为我一直认为自己是最守信用的人。那么,今天收到一个短信说我严重逾期是真的吗? 首先,我们需要明确什么是逾期。逾期是指在约定的时间内没有完成规定的行动或者任务,导致需要承担相应的责任。在我们的日常生活中,逾期可能会出现在各种方面,比如信用卡消费、贷款、签约等等。而严重逾期,一般指的是逾期时间较长,或者逾期金额较高的情况。 那么,今天收到一个短信说我......


接到缅甸打开的电话说我网贷逾期 今天,我接到了一个来自缅甸的电话,那是一个网贷平台打来的电话,说我的网贷逾期了。听到这个消息,我感到十分惊讶。我怎么可能会逾期呢?我每个月都按时还款,而且我也沒有做过任何多余的事情,为什么会逾期呢? 于是,我迫不及待地接听了该平台的客服人员,想要了解更多的情况。客服人员告诉我,我的逾期可能是因为我的银行卡信息填写有误,导致网贷平台没有及时收到我的还款信息。她还告诉我,我需要立即采取行动,把我的银行卡信息改正,否则我的逾期情况将会变得更加严重。 我意识到问题的......


你好,你看看是不是你周边的亲朋好友借了钱,如果都没有,那你就不用理会的,如果对方再骚扰你,你可以报警。哪位大神知道,我没有贷款却收到电话和短信说我欠款不还是怎么回事。要怎么处理诈骗电话,不理睬就是。今天莫名其妙有个人打过来电话说我贷款了,逾期,叫我马上还钱,还给我发过来短信链接叫还款,是骗子吧。肯定是骗子啊分期乐莫名给我发消息说我欠款一万元这个很有可能是诈骗短信 不过可以拨打他的官网电话核实一下 现在盗用身份的人很多 之前看过一篇金豆分期平台发表的文章才知道问题的严重性...

