81. A) permanent B) conscious C) subordinate D) spiritual PartⅥ Translation (5 minutes) Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into Eng。户籍所在地是指我国居民户口薄登记所在地,一般是指出生时其父母户口登记地方permanent resident,通常是家庭户口簿上的户口。
aI am a citizen of the People’s Republic of China. I have never changed my nationality and I do not hold any permanent residence card of other countries. I make 。liquidation 在法律英语中通常指企业的清算,优先股如If a receiver, manager or other custodian (interim or permanent) of the Collateral or any part thereof i。
1. To set down for preservation in writing or other permanent form.记录:以书写或其它永久性的方式记下以保存 2. To register or indicate:登录:登记或显示:用法与例句: 。实在法 positive law 法律渊源 source of law 习惯法 customary law 刑事诉讼 criminal procedure 财产权 property 行政部门 executive branch 法律僵化 ossification of law。
permanent red
permanent red第三部分是公司章程的无效及法律救济。 preliminary injunctive relief是什么意思?? 就是“申请初步或永久制止侵权、违约行为的权利”- preliminary and permanent injunctive relief 意思就是说。2014年7月18日,海牙常设仲裁法院(Permanent Court of Arbitration)根据联合国贸法会仲裁规则(UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules)组成的仲裁庭,作出一份有史以来赔偿。
permanent address
permanent address另外,adopt在法律英语中可能会用到一个含义是收养,如adopt an orphan according to law根据法律规定收养孤儿。 admission 释义:admission是admit的名词,在普通。延期是extension,推后推迟的意思 continue着重是续 法律翻译公证过选择了延续这个词作为正式翻译 请注意。
permanent defeat
permanent defeatFor its partalternative什么意思啊, Goldman Sachs neatly fits the description of a permanent insider in the same (non-legalistic) sense. 就高盛而言dominate什么意思permanent 翻译,在同样的(不尊重法律)意义上permanent是什么意思,该公司非。3)Permanent friendship exists only between good men. ▇Hints: 1)Friends must be useful to each other. A) A friend in need is a friend indeed. B)Friendship will last so long as both s。
释义:composition在普通英语中的常见意思为作文,结构,在法律英语中的意思为和解协议,指指债务人与全部或至少相当一部分债权人达成的此类协议。如In case a se。liquidation 在法律英语中通常指企业的清算regular什么意思permanent什么意思,分享如If a receiver, manager or other custodian (interim or permanent) of the Collateral or any part thereof i。